Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Why Our Voices Need to be Heard at the IWC

The International Whaling Commission (IWC) is responsible for the management of whaling. At its annual meeting at the end of this month, it will vote on a deal that could legitimise commercial whaling.

Complicating the issue with numbers, the proposed deal does nothing to address the fact that whaling is inherently cruel. If passed, it would allow Japan, Iceland and Norway to legally kill annual quotas of whales. 

I’m going to the meeting this month to speak out for whales and to highlight that the unavoidable cruelty of whaling is being completely overlooked. To find out why I need your help with this and how you can make a difference, take a look at this short video clip.

Please Give Whales A Voice and help spread the word – we need to collect as many voices as we can before 21 June.

Emily Reeves, WSPA

You can help to Give Whales A Voice today! Together anything is possible.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How can a country as cultured as Japan say that the killing of Whales is 'experimental' when it is known that they are consuminf Whale meat there. I goes beyond belief, there should be other ways to stop this slaughter.

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